Blossomtime Sales Table Application

Available to Cider and Perry Trials entrants on a first-come, first-served basis

(You don’t need to submit your Cider and Perry Trials entry before applying for a table but we will expect an entry from you at some point.)

Booking Form

Please complete the form below to apply to have a Sales Table.  The space costs £25 for two days – Sunday 4th and Monday 5th May – and will be at our Dragon Orchard venue.  Please provide your own table (max size 1m x 2m).  If you do not have a suitable table we can provide one for an additional £10.00.

The sales venue will operate from 10am to 5pm on both days.

Sales Table Application - Blossomtime
If the telephone number given in the field above is a landline
Repeat email (to check for typos)
Please provide your Public and Product Liability Insurance details
If you have an electronic copy of your insurance certificate you can attach it to this form, otherwise please bring it with you so we can have sight of it before you start selling.   If you do not have appropriate Public and Product Liability insurance you will not be able to sell your products at Blossomtime.

Maximum file size: 5MB

Table required?
Big Apple Terms and Conditions Read terms and conditions in new tab
Fee to be paid

Credit/Debit Card
Name on card
Name on card