The Big Apple is run entirely by volunteers. Consequently we are always looking for people to help – not just at our two main events, Blossomtime and Harvestime, but also throughout the year.
Could you spare a few hours to help? Here are a few examples of things you could do:
- posting news on social media
Washing bottles for the cider trials organising publicity for our events, ranging from sending out press releases to arranging interviews with local radio and print media
- organising the rota of volunteers for events
- planning the programme and liaising with speakers and exhibitors
organising the Cider and Perry Trials, which takes place on the Saturday of the Blossomtime weekend.
- helping at our events, for instance stewarding talks, leading walks, pouring samples of cider and perry (Blossomtime), acting as an escort on the tractor and trailer, selling apples (Harvestime)
- putting out road signs before events
- providing technical support, such as maintaining this website or running the “tech” at events
- creating posters, leaflets, artworks
- secretarial/administrative help with all and any of the above
Training and support is available. Please contact if you can help.
We are a friendly and welcoming bunch of people and will provide training where needed and support. The commitment varies throughout the year, with frantic activity immediately before and during Blossomtime in May and Harvestime in October!
To find out more email or write to The Big Apple Association Ltd., Woodcroft, Putley, Ledbury HR8 2RD or fill in and return the Volunteer Form:
We look forward to hearing from you!